制作現場で使えるビジネス英語メール + 会議で存在感を出せるオフィス英会話講座を開催しました!

最近Frogでは毎週第三土曜日に、Timmyによる「制作現場で使えるビジネス英語メール+会議で存在感を出せるオフィス英会話講座」を開催しています! クリエイターとして留学される方の多くは技術力に磨きをかけるべくカナダのIT系専門学校等に通う方が非常に多く、最近だと続々仕事を始める人が増えてきているのですが、そんな皆さんから寄せられる悩みの多くに、やはり『英語の壁』を感じている方は少なからずいらっしゃいます。
- 職場でお昼休みの軽い会話についていけない
- 仕事でメールを送るのにすごく時間がかかる
- 英語メールの件名って、皆どういう風につけてるの?
- 英語圏の文化を知らないとついていけない話題にどう対応する?





Title: Ring-ring Aliant – New License To : Frog All Staff Hi folks, I am writing to let you all know that Frog has recently signed on a new key account, Ring-ring Aliant. The internet Marketing group originally looked to us as a potential solution that would enable them to more effectively manage all of their multi-channel marketing campaigns. After carefully evaluating our solution through a Pilot campaign in April , last week Ring-ring Aliant selected Frog as the solution that would meet their needs. The final deal sees them sign on with us for 3 years, with a 75k annual license. This client could easily grow to become a 100K annual account, given their size as well as the number of campaigns that they intend to run. This deal was done over quite a long sales cycle, and there were a number of team members who helped them see the true value of Frog’s software and services: Ring-ring Aliant had a key requirement of hosting the software within a SAS70 compliant hosting environment, and Jonathan collaborated on putting together all of the required documentation for the threat and risk assessment. Without proving that Frog had the adequate process and procedures in place, this deal would not have gotten off the ground. To prove the value of the Frog app, and that we are a group of marketers who “are best in our field,” Jeff helped us to construct and execute an email drip campaign that was flawless upon rollout. As we saw in Jeff’s recent lunch and learn presentation, the statistics from that pilot campaign spoke louder than words, and enabled our champion at Ring-ring Aliant to prove ROI to his team. Throughout the project management process, Patricia, Siobhan, and Jorge were all on top of their game, and brought the campaign design elements to life on Frog – delivering an outstanding final product. Our first software demo to Ring-ring Aliant was based on a replica of one of their previous landing pages, and Hiroshi did a fantastic job of replicating the design and content on Frog! All in all, a great win for our team, and many more on the way!! If there is anyone I’ve missed here, my apologies, as this was a huge team effort. Now, on to the next opportunity my friends! PS: There are a lot of us in this office who are current subscribers to a number of email newsletters from our favorite Canadian brands. If any of you see a newsletter that you think could be improved, feel free to forward the details and I’d be happy to put in a cold-call!! Phil Williams Frog Creator Production
Q1: What is the purpose of this email?
- (A) To announce that the new contract which is NOT a good deal.
- (B) To get new contracts within the next 3 years
- (C) To thank those who were involved in the project
- (D) To announce that one of their employees will leave in April
Q2: How much does he expect in the first year?
- (A) $75.00
- (B) $75,000
- (C) $150,000
- (D) $225,000
Q3: What did Hiroshi do?
- (A) He created the campaign design
- (B) He attended Jeff’s presentation
- (C) He copied the client’s old page for the demo
- (D) He didn’t do anything
Q4: What Does Phil want to do next?
- (A) He wants to apologize to anyone he didn’t mention
- (B) He wants to know Patricia’s favorite Canadian brands
- (C) He wants to get a newsletter by email from Ring-ring Aliant
- (D) He wants to make a call without making appointments
答えはページ下部で! このイベントは定期的に開催していこうと考えていますので、今回見逃してしまった方も是非次回どうぞ! 次回のTimmy講座は7/19(日)にて、ダウンタウンで行いますので、皆様是非お越しください!お申込はFacebook Event Pageよりお願い致します! Timmy講座お申し込み Frogでのイベント告知は全てFrogのFacebook Pageにて告知させて頂いておりますので、興味のあるかたは是非参加をご検討ください!もちろん新規でのご参加もお待ちしております!
- Q1: (C)メールの趣旨は新しい契約が取れた報告と感謝を全社員に伝える物である。従って(C)が正解。
- Q2:(B) Kは1000の単位。第3パラグラフにwith a 75k annual licenseとあるので、(B)の75K=75,000が正解。
- Q3:(C) 第7パラグラフにHiroshi did a fantastic job of replicating the designとあるので(C)が正解。
- Q4:(D)第9パラグラフにあるcold-callはアポ無しの勧誘電話の意味。従ってそれを説明している(D)が正解。